開会辞 / Opening Remarks

渡部 肇史 / Mr. WATANABE Toshifumi
一般財団法人カーボンフロンティア機構 会長
Chairperson, Japan Carbon Frontier Organization (JCOAL)

  • June 2024 – present Chairperson,
    Japan Carbon Frontier Organization(“JCOAL”)
  • June 2023 - presentChairman, Member of the Board of Directors
  • April 2019President and Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Board of
  • June 2016President, Member of the Board of Directors
  • June 2013Executive Vice-President, Member of the Board of Directors
  • June 2010Executive Managing Director and Deputy Headquarters Director of Nuclear Power
  • June 2009Executive Managing Director, Member of the Board of Directors
  • June 2006Executive Director, Member of the Board of Directors
  • April 2004Director of Corporate Planning and Administration Dept.
  • April 2002Director, Corporate Planning Dept. & Office Director, Privatization and IPO Office
  • July 2000 Director, Privatization and IPO Office, Corporate Planning Dept.
  • October 1993Manager, Planning Section, Corporate Planning Dept.
  • October 1991Manager, Nuclear Power Administration Office, Nuclear Power Dept.
  • April 1977 Joined J-Power (Electric Power Development Co., Ltd., Japan, or EPDC)

共催辞I / Welcome Remarks I

和久田 肇 / Mr. WAKUDA Hajime
Director-General, Natural Resources and Fuel Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy(ANRE), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)

Mr. Wakuda was appointed to the current role in June 2024. He supervises securing stable supply of natural resources including oil, natural gas, coal, geothermal and mineral resources, and maintaining fuel supply network including refineries and service stations. He is also responsible for promotion of low carbon fuel including SAF and e-fuel and CCUS/Carbon Recycling.

Mr. Wakuda has diverse experience in Natural Resources and Energy field. In 2020-2024, he served as President at Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC), after holding several positions in ANRE such as Deputy Director-General of Natural Resources and Fuel Department, Director of Oil and Gas Division, and Director for Energy Strategy.

  • June 2024 Director-General, Natural Resources and Fuel Department,
    Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI
  • April 2024 Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI
  • April 2020 President, JOGMEC(Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security)
  • March 2018 Director, Policy Planning Division,
    Natural Resources and Fuel Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI
  • July 2014 Director General, Business Strategy Department, JOGMEC
  • June 2012 Director for Defense Industry, Aerospace and Defense Industry Division,
    Manufacturing Industries Bureau, METI
  • April 1992 Joined Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
    (formerly Ministry of International Trade and Industry, MITI)

共催辞II / Welcome Remarks II

飯村 亜紀子 / Dr. IIMURA Akiko
Executive Director, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

Dr. IIMURA Akiko is the Executive Director of NEDO overseeing the Technology and Innovation Strategy Center, the Hydrogen and Ammonia Department, the Renewable Energy Department, and the Circular Economy Department.

After joining the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI, currently Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, METI), Dr. Iimura worked on global environmental issues and international energy policies, including the Kyoto Protocol negotiations at COP3 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the stabilization of the international oil market after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States. In recent years, she has been widely involved in developing science, technology, and innovation policies, such as strategy planning and evaluation for national research and development projects, promotion of university startups, industry-academia-government collaboration, STEM human resource development, enhancement of research integrity and sensitive technology management.

Dr. Iimura received a Doctor of Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2018, a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School, Tufts University in 2001, and a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Science from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1993.

特別講演 I / Featured Speech I

Dr. Andrew Minchener OBE
IEA国際持続的炭素センター(ICSC/International Centre for Sustainable Carbon)代表
General Manager, IEA-ICSC (International Centre for Sustainable Carbon)

Dr Andrew Minchener is a versatile, successful manager and expert within the industrial energy and environmental sector. He has some forty five year’s-experience in fossil fuel and biomass/waste utilisation, systems development, energy and environmental consultancy, and contract research and development, with particular emphasis on clean coal and CCS issues. He has undertaken numerous overseas assignments, including over one hundred and eighty missions to the People’s Republic of China, some forty to other parts of Asia and a further thirty to Eastern Europe. With effect from July 2013, he became the General Manager of the International Centre for Sustainable Carbon (formerly the IEA Clean Coal Centre).

特別講演II / Featured Speech II

寺澤達也/ Mr. TERAZAWA Tatsuya
Chairman & CEO, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)

Mr. Terazawa has been leading the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ), one of the leading energies thinktanks in the world, to present pathways to achieve carbon neutrality as well as to recommend measures to enhance energy security for the governments and industries since he became the Chairman and CEO of IEEJ in July 2021. He has been a very active global speaker in the discussions concerning global climate issues and energy security.
Before joining IEEJ, he supported the then Minister Yasutoshi NISHIMURA as the Senior Advisor of the Cabinet Office between January and June 2021 to assist the Government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the formulation of the Growth Strategy including the Japanese “Green New Deal”.
Earlier, he served at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan where he held leading positions including the Vice-Minister for International Affairs. In this role, he assisted the then Prime Minister Shinzo ABE, participating in many of the meetings with the leaders of the world. He also played a crucial role in the coordination for the 2019 G20 Osaka Summit. Through September 2011 to December 2012, he served as the Executive Secretary to the then Prime Minister Yoshihiko NODA. During this period, he assisted the Prime Minister on the Government’s multiple challenges to deal with the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
He has been the Senior Specially Appointed Professor at the Tokyo University of Science, teaching international negotiations since January 2020. He is a graduate of the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Law. He also studied at Harvard University in the United States, where he earned MBA in 1990. He was born in January 1961 in Osaka, Japan.
Senior Research Fellow, the Canon Institute for Global Studies
Member, Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy of Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE),
the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan
Member, Board of Governors, the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
Member of Delegation, Japan Society of Energy and Resources

基調講演Ⅰ / Keynote SpeechⅠ

金子祥三/ Prof. Dr. KANEKO Shozo
Research Adviser, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

After graduating from department of mechanical engineering, University of Tokyo,
entered Mitsubishi Heavy Industries(MHI). Along with designing of thermal power plants, made R&D work in low NOx burners, SCR, Fuel Cell(SOFC), USC boilers and IGCC. His final position at MHI was director and chief engineer for power systems. In 2001, he left MHI and was appointed the executive vice president of Clean Coal Power R&D Company, which was founded to promote IGCC, by 10 Japanese utility companies under the support of Japanese Government. He was the technical leader in design, construction, and operation of the 250MW IGCC demonstration plant.
After successful commercial operation of 250MW IGCC, he was invited to University of Tokyo in 2008. He was a professor in charge of advanced energy conversion engineering, and the deputy director of Center for Collaborative Energy Engineering , University of Tokyo. He also served several committees of Japanese Government for fundamental energy policy.
He made a joint research work with Australia and Poland, mainly on the efficient use of lignite. He retired in 2015 and serve as a research advisor until today.
He is a fellow of JSME(Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers) and awarded JSME Award(Technology) three times. In May 2017, he was given Distinguished Energy Medal from the Republic of Poland for the international cooperation between Poland and Japan,

セッションI / Session I
Global Status towards Carbon Neutrality (CN)

有馬純/ Prof. Dr. ARIMA Jun
Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo

1982 Joined MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry)
1996-1999: Counsellor, Permanent Delegation of Japan to the OECD (Energy Advisor)
2002-2006: Head, Country Studies Division, IEA (International Energy Agency)
2006-2008: Director, International Affairs Division, ANRE/METI
2007-2008: Counsellor, International Energy Negotiation, ANRE/METI
2008-2011: Deputy Director General for Global Environmental Affairs, METI
2011-2015: Director General, JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) London
2015- Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo
April 2021- Project Professor at Graduate School of Public Policy(GraSPP)The University of Tokyo
Consulting Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI), Distinguished Senior Research Fellow, Asia Pacific Institute of Research (APIR), Senior Policy Fellow, Economic Research Institute of ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Lead Author of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report

講演-1(IO) / speech-1(IO)

Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi
アセアンエネルギーセンター(ASEAN Centre for Energy/ACE)
Head of Energy Modeling and Policy Planning (MPP),
ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE)

EXPERIENCE ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) (2019 - now)
Acting Manager (2024 - now)

Energy Efficiency and Conservation (CEE) Department
CEE department leads the energy research and cooperation activities in ASEAN, especially to implement ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC), focusing on Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C). Among others, the department is responsible for the 5 million USD GCF-KDB project and 3.8 million USD AsBuilT project.
Manager (2023 - now)

Energy Modeling and Policy Planning (MPP) Department
MPP department leads the energy research and cooperation activities in ASEAN, especially to implement ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC), focusing on the Regional Energy Policy and Planning (REPP) including cross-sectoral issues, and supporting other programme areas of the. Among others, the department is responsible for the development of the ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO) and ASEAN Energy Database System (AEDS).
Team Leader (2021 - 2023)

ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO)
Leading the development of the 7th edition of the flagship publication of ACE (AEO7), in collaboration with ASEAN member states. These include the proposal development and preparation phase, stakeholders and experts’ consultation, data gathering, scenario development, energy modeling, results analysis, report writing, and dissemination. The biennial report was successfully launched in the 40th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) in Cambodia, 2022. The next edition of AEO (AEO8) is to be launched in the 42nd ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) in Lao PDR, 2024.
Senior Officer (2020 - 2023)

Department of Sustainable Energy, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REE)
REE Department is the expert pool of Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) in ACE. To support ACE roles—think tank, catalyst, and knowledge hub—as well as improve sustainability, tasks include:
- Lead and support preparation of more than 10 project/program proposals annually in the field of RE and EE. These include the GCF project on energy efficiency in industry sector in Indonesia with KDB (USD 105,000,000)
- Implement project activities, ensuring high quality and timely deliverables. These include projects in collaboration with UNEP U4E, IEA, IRENA, GIZ, KEA, KEEI, and others.
Zulfikar Yurnaidi
Email: zyurnaidi@gmail.com Phone: +62-813-8485-3592

- Conduct research activities, to be published in form of academic articles, technical reports, or popular articles. At least 5 annually.
- Conduct dissemination and outreach activities to improve ACE visibility and build capacity, including speaking in various national, regional and international events.
- Collaborate in implementing the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC)
Senior Research Analyst (2019 - 2022)

講演-2(マレーシア) / speech-2(Malaysia)

Dato's Ir. Ts. Razib Dawood
エネルギー委員会(Energy Commission/ST) CEO/
ASEAN Forum on Coal (AFOC)議長
CEO, Energy Commission (ST) CEO /
Chairman, ASEAN Forum on Coal (AFOC)

YBhg. Dato Ir. Ts. Razib Dawood graduated with a BTEC National Diploma in
Engineering in 1991 from Coventry Technical College, followed by an Electrical
Engineering Degree from the University of Warwick, United Kingdom in 1994. He was
then awarded his Master of Science in Power Electronic Engineering from the
University of Manitoba in Canada in 1996.
He started his early career with Tenaga Nasional Berhad Engineers Sdn. Bhd. and has
more than 20 years of professional experience, having worked for both Malaysian and
Australian national power utilities, independent power producers, TNSP and as a
consultant for renewable energy. During his career highlights, he has held many roles
such as a construction engineer, project manager, technical advisor, systems planning
engineer and power system study specialist.
From October 2012 to August 2017, he was the Head of Electricity Market Operations
with the Energy Commission before being assigned by the Prime Minister’s
Department to be the Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Nuclear Power Corporation
from 2017 to 2018. On 9 April 2018, YBhg. Dato Ir. Ts. Razib Dawood was appointed
as the Chief Operating Officer of the Energy Commission. On 2 April 2019, he was
appointed as the Acting Chief Executive Officer responsible for the overall
administration and management of the functions of the Energy Commission.
He was appointed the new Chief Executive Officer of the Energy Commission effective
1 August 2019.

講演-3(IO) / speech-3(IO)

Dr. Oliver Then
欧州発電協会(VGBE Energy e.V.)代表
Executive Managing Director, VGBE Energy e.V.(VGBE)

Oliver Then has worked in the RWE Group, a leading European utility, since 1991. Starting as a young engineer at the generation arm of RWE, he worked in different power stations. During the following years Oliver hold different positions within the RWE headquarters in Essen ranging from R&D project management, power plant project development and management to operational support of international affiliated power stations. For more than 10 years he has been working in the new build project department. Later he was heading the department for Mechanical Engineering covering turbomachinery, water treatment, coal handling and thermodynamics and process engineering. The projects covered the full range of size, technology and fuels either in Germany and on European sites. He also supported international consultancy activities and internal organisation and efficiency projects.
In October 2013 Oliver Then joined VGB PowerTech e.V. (now under the new brand vgbe energy) in Essen, the International Association of energy asset operators. Founded in 1920 vgbe with more than 420 members is supporting their operational business and strategic challenges. Key tasks of the association are know-how management and dissemination, publishing of industry standards and technical publications and engineering consultancy. At vgbe Oliver Then was at first overseeing Power Plant and Environmental Technologies covering all aspects of conventional power plants and environmental issues. Since 01 April 2018 he was appointed Executive General Manager of VGB PowerTech e.V. as well as its sercive company PTS GmbH and the VGB Research Foundation. Under his lead vgbe is focussing on all aspects of the future energy system with a specific fous on RES and hydrogen.

講演-5(インド) / speech-5(India)

Mr. Bikash Chandra Mallick
インド電力省中央電力庁(Central Energy Authority (CEA))第二局長
Principal Chief Engineer-II, Central Energy Authority (CEA), Ministry of Power (MoP)

Implementation of R&M/ Life Extension program for efficiency & environmental improvement of coal based power Plants.
Design policy roadmap to reduce Minimum Technical Load of coal based power plants for low cost integration of renewable energy into grid. Initiated countrywide flexibilisation study/test, identified measures, prepared compensation methodology, framing regulation and notified phasing plan for nationwide implementation of 40% Minimum Technical Load. Published a comprehensive report “Flexibilisation of coal fired power plants- A Roadmap for achieving 40% technical minimum load” including operating procedures, actual field test reports, challenges of flexibilisation.
Implementation of pollution control devices at coal based power plants for compliance of new emission norms. Prepared “Plant location specific emission standard” report and “A review report on new SO2 norms” for smooth implementation of FGD at generating units in the country.
Conducting study/test at coal based power plants for efficiency improvement, flexible and low carbon supply of electricity under International cooperation with Japan, Germany and Denmark.

講演-6(中国) / speech-6(China)

Ms. Yi Ye 中国電力規画設計総院研究員
Researcher, China Electric Power Planning
and Engineering Institute (EPPI)

Current Researches:
Study on New Generation of Chinese Coal-fired Power in the Low-carbon
Transformation under the “Dual Carbon” Goals
Study on Long-term Development Strategy of Small Modular Reactor under
the Green-oriented Energy Transition in China
Study on the Fourth Generation of Nuclear Power Technology in China

Past Researches:

Study on Long-term Transition Strategy of Chinese Electricity System with a
Dynamic Optimal Power Generation Mix Model of High Spatial and Temporal
Resolution Considering Emerging Technology Options
Research on Level 2 Probability Risk Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants
after Severe Accident, including the event progression, fission product
behavior, and possibility analysis
Research on Thermal-hydraulic Behaviors in the Secondary Side of Steam
Generators in Nuclear Power Plants

講演-7(米国) / speech-7(USA)

Mr. Glen E. Sweetnam
Senior Vce President, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre
(APERC) (former US DOE official)

Glen Sweetnam is currently the Senior Vice President for the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) in Tokyo, Japan. In this position, he leads a group of researchers from the 21 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies. The group produces an annual Overview of energy policies and energy data for each of the 21 APEC members. Every three years, APERC also publishes the APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook. Both reports support the member economies as they implement policies and programs to achieve APEC’s goals for energy intensity reduction and increased renewable energy. Mr. Sweetnam also serves as the Chair of APEC’s Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis (EGEDA).
Previously, Mr. Sweetnam served in senior positions at the U.S. National Security Council, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the Energy Information Administration. His primary focus was the modeling and analysis of domestic and international energy markets, especially as they relate to government preparations for and responses to energy supply disruptions.
In addition to his government service, Mr. Sweetnam held senior planning, evaluation, and risk management positions at several energy companies, including Reliant Energy, Koch Industries, ARCO, and Fina Oil and Chemical Company.
Mr. Sweetnam received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and Master of Public Policy from the University of California, Berkeley. He is currently a Distinguished Fellow with the Energy Policy Research Foundation (EPRINC).

基調講演II / Keynote Speech II

Ms. Jane Burton
Project Director,
The CarbonNet Project, Department of Jobs,
Skills, Industry and Regions,
State Government of Victoria

Jane has worked in the public sector for the last 13 years in senior Executive roles. Prior to her current role as Project Director, CarbonNet she was the A/Head Resources for the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. As Project Director for the CarbonNet Project, Jane is responsible for overseeing all elements of the project to achieve FID in 2024. This includes oversighting the Engineering, Commercial, Environmental, Permitting, Engagement and Communications and Project Services streams.
Jane has worked in private and public sector roles for the last 30 + years across a broad range of areas including: executive public sector administration, industrial chemistry, research & development, regional economic development and land use planning and town centre redevelopment. Jane spent seven years working for the Japanese Consortium - Brown Coal Liquefaction Victoria, based at their Morwell Pilot Plant in various roles including Chief Chemist.
As an industrial chemist with a Master's Degree in Chemistry, Jane is able to converse across a wide range of technical, social and planning matters and has extensive experience in design and delivery of stakeholder and community engagement strategies relating to resource development. Jane was awarded the 2019 Most Exceptional Women in Resources award, is a fellow of the Australian Institute of Energy and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

特別講演III / Featured Speech III

笹津浩司/ Mr. SASATSU Hiroshi
Director and Executive Vice President, J-POWER

4/2023 Director and Executive vice president
6/2020 Director and Executive Managing Officer
4/2019 Executive Managing Officer
6/2018 Executive Officer
6/2016 Executive Officer
Department Director of Research & Development Dept.
6/2015 Department Director of Research & Development Dept.
6/2013 Superintendent of Isogo Thermal Power Station, Thermal Power Dept.
7/2010 Director of Wakamatsu Research Institute, Technology Development
4/1986 Joined Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.

セッションII / Session II

成瀬一郎/ Pro. Dr. NARUSE Ichiro
Professor, Institute of Materials
and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS),
Nagoya University,
Tokai National Higher Education and Research System

1984 Department of Chemical Engineering, Nagoya University, Bachelor of Engineering
1986 ditto, Mater of Engineering
1989 ditto, Doctor of Engineering
# Professional career
1989 Research Associate, Department of Energy Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology
1994 Associate Professor, Department of Ecological Engineering, ditto
1997 Visiting researcher, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, The University of Arizona (-1998)
2006 Professor, International Cooperation Center for Engineering Education Development, Toyohashi University of Technology
2007 Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Nagoya University
2012 Professor, EcoTopia Science Institute, ditto
2015 Professor, Institute of Material and System for Sustainability, ditto
2017 Vice Director, ditto
2020 Director, ditto (-2024.3.31)
# Specialty
Energy and Environmental Engineering, Coal Utilization, Biomass and Waste Management, Energy Conversion Engineering

講演-1(日本)/ speech-1(Japan)

高野伸一/ Mr. TAKANO Shinichi
Associate Director,
General Manager of Carbon Solution Business Unit,
Resources, Energy & Environment Business Area,
IHI Corporation

1992 April Joined Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
(Trade name changed to “IHI Corporation” at July 1st, 2007)
2005 April Manager, Basic Design Dept., Power Plant Div.
2011 April General Manager of Basic Design Group, Basic Design Dept., Power Plant Div.
2016 April General Manager of Boiler Plant Planning Dept., Boiler Plant Div.
2017 April Managing Director of Steinmüller Engineering GmbH, in Germany, IHI Group Company
2021 January General Manager of Basic Design Dept., Division Director of Engineering Center,
Deputy General Manager of Carbon Solution Business Unit,
Resources, Energy & Environment Business Area
2021 April Division Director of Engineering Center,
Deputy General Manager of Carbon Solution Business Unit,
Resources, Energy & Environment Business Area
2023 April Associate Director, Division Director of Engineering Center,
Deputy General Manager of Carbon Solution Business Unit,
Resources, Energy & Environment Business Area
2024 April Associate Director,
General Manager of Carbon Solution Business Unit,
Resources, Energy & Environment Business Area

講演-2(日本)/ speech-2(Japan)

山本滋/ Mr. YAMAMOTO Shigeru
Executive Director, General Manager,
Hydrogen Strategy Division,
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (KHI)

March, 1987 Graduated from College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
April, 1987 Joined Kawasaki Heavy Industries
April, 2017 Executive
Group Manager, Project Group, Center for Development of
Hydrogen-Chain, Corporate Technology Division
April, 2019 Deputy Group Manager, Center for Development of Hydrogen-
Chain, Corporate Technology Division
April, 2021 Assistant Executive Officer
Group Manager of Promotion, Hydrogen Strategy Division
April, 2022 Senior Executive
Deputy General Manager of Hydrogen Strategy Division
April, 2023 Executive Officer
Deputy General Manager of Hydrogen Strategy Division
April, 2024 Executive Officer
General Manager of Hydrogen Strategy Division

講演-3(日本)/ speech-3(Japan)

堀見泰資/ Mr. HORIMI Taisuke
日本製鉄㈱(NIPPON STEEL) 参与
Executive Counselor, General Planning Division,
Green Transformation Development Sector,
Nippon Steel Corporation

Mr. Horimi has been serving as the Executive Counselor for the Green Transformation Development Sector at Nippon Steel since April 2024. He joined the company in 1991 and has gained extensive experience as an engineer in ironmaking at Hirohata Works, Nagoya Works, and Kimitsu Works. Building on this experience, he actively contributes to Nippon Steel's carbon-neutral initiatives, including the development of hydrogen reduction technologies for blast furnaces and hydrogen reduction-based shaft furnace technologies, the establishment of large-scale electric furnace technology for high-end steel production, and the implementation of CCS in steelworks.

講演-4(日本)/ speech-4(Japan)

石田泰之/ Mr. ISHIDA Yasuyuki
Director-General, Carbon Neutral Technology
Development Department,
Taiheiyo Cement Corporation

Ph.D in Waste treatment technology March 2011
BA in Industrial Chemistry  March 1991


Central Research Laboratory 1991-September 2011
Development of ceramic building materials, Development of acid-resistant cement and concrete, Development of Bioethanol from Waste, Development of waste utilization technology in the cement manufacturing process, Development of technology for early stabilization of landfill.
Central Research Laboratory October 2011-2020
Promoting development of recycling technology for lithium-ion batteries, Promoting development of technology to recover useful metals from MSW incineration ash, Promoting technological development of fuels from waste plastics, Promoting development of CO2 recycling technology.
Central Research Laboratory 2021-2023
General Manager
Promoting development of inorganic fillers for electronic and thermal insulation materials, Promoting development of cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Promoting development of technology for recovering phosphorus resources from wastewater, Promoting development of CO2 recycling technology.
Carbon Neutral Technology Development Department 2024-Present
General Manager
Promoting development of carbon-neutral technology.
Recycling technology for lithium-ion batteries
Lithium-ion battery recycling technology we developed won the Rare Metal Recycling Award in the 2008 Awards for Resource Recycling Technology and Systems organized by the Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry.

講演-5(日本)/ speech-5(Japan)

岩浅清彦/ Mr. IWASA Kiyohiko
Expert, CCUS System Engineering & Development
Department, Power Systems Division, TOSHIBA Energy
Systems & Solutions Corporation (TOSHIBA)

Kiyohiko Iwasa is currently an expert in the CCUS System Engineering & Development Department at the Power Systems Division of Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation. He is a technology leader in this department.
He started his career in the chemical industry as a chemical engineer in 2004.
He began his career with the Toshiba group in 2008 as a member of the CCS System R&D Group in the Power and Industrial Systems Research and Development Center.
In 2009, he was assigned to the business division and started working on the technology development and market expansion of CO2 capture systems. From 2020 to March 2022, he was the manager of the CCS Development & Engineering Group, where he was responsible for the technical and commercial deployment of CO2 capture technology. He has continued to support this group for the company ever since.

セッションIII / Session III


橘川武郎/ Prof. Dr. KIKKAWA Takeo
President, International University of Japan (IUJ)

* President, Professor, International University of Japan
* Professor Emeritus of University of Tokyo (incumbent)
* Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University (incumbent)
* Former Member of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy, METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry)
* Ph.D. in Economics


有馬純/ Prof. Dr. ARIMA Jun
Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo

1982 JoinedMITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry)
1996-1999: Counsellor, Permanent Delegation of Japan to the OECD (Energy Advisor)
2002-2006: Head, Country Studies Division, IEA (International Energy Agency)
2006-2008: Director, International Affairs Division, ANRE/METI
2007-2008: Counsellor, International Energy Negotiation, ANRE/METI
2008-2011: Deputy Director General for Global Environmental Affairs, METI
2011-2015: Director General, JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) London
2015- : Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo
April 2021- Project Professor at Graduate School of Public Policy(GraSPP), The University of Tokyo.
Consulting Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI), Distinguished Senior Research Fellow, Asia Pacific Institute of Research (APIR), Senior Policy Fellow, Economic Research Institute of ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Lead Author of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report

成瀬一郎/ Pro. Dr. NARUSE Ichiro
Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS), Nagoya University,Tokai National Higher Education and Research System

# Academic background
1984 Department of Chemical Engineering, Nagoya University, Bachelor of Engineering
1986 ditto, Mater of Engineering
1989 ditto, Doctor of Engineering
# Professional career
1989 Research Associate, Department of Energy Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology
1994 Associate Professor, Department of Ecological Engineering, ditto
1997 Visiting researcher, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, The University of Arizona (-1998)
2006 Professor, International Cooperation Center for Engineering Education Development, Toyohashi University of Technology
2007 Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Nagoya University
2012 Professor, EcoTopia Science Institute, ditto
2015 Professor, Institute of Material and System for Sustainability, ditto
2017 Vice Director, ditto
2020 Director, ditto (-2024.3.31)
# Specialty
Energy and Environmental Engineering, Coal Utilization, Biomass and Waste Management, Energy Conversion Engineering

Dr Andrew Minchener OBE
General Manager
International Centre for Sustainable Carbon

Dr Andrew Minchener is a versatile, successful manager and expert within the industrial energy and environmental sector. He has some forty five year’s-experience in fossil fuel and biomass/waste utilisation, systems development, energy and environmental consultancy, and contract research and development, with particular emphasis on clean coal and CCS issues. He has undertaken numerous overseas assignments, including over one hundred and eighty missions to the People’s Republic of China, some forty to other parts of Asia and a further thirty to Eastern Europe. With effect from July 2013, he became the General Manager of the International Centre for Sustainable Carbon (formerly the IEA Clean Coal Centre).

Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi
アセアンエネルギーセンター(ASEAN Centre for Energy/ACE)
Head of Energy Modeling and Policy Planning (MPP),
ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE)

ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) (2019 - now)
Acting Manager (2024 - now)

Energy Efficiency and Conservation (CEE) Department
CEE department leads the energy research and cooperation activities in ASEAN, especially to implement ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC), focusing on Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C). Among others, the department is responsible for the 5 million USD GCF-KDB project and 3.8 million USD AsBuilT project.
Manager (2023 - now)

Energy Modeling and Policy Planning (MPP) Department
MPP department leads the energy research and cooperation activities in ASEAN, especially to implement ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC), focusing on the Regional Energy Policy and Planning (REPP) including cross-sectoral issues, and supporting other programme areas of the. Among others, the department is responsible for the development of the ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO) and ASEAN Energy Database System (AEDS).
Team Leader (2021 - 2023)

ASEAN Energy Outlook (AEO)
Leading the development of the 7th edition of the flagship publication of ACE (AEO7), in collaboration with ASEAN member states. These include the proposal development and preparation phase, stakeholders and experts’ consultation, data gathering, scenario development, energy modeling, results analysis, report writing, and dissemination. The biennial report was successfully launched in the 40th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) in Cambodia, 2022. The next edition of AEO (AEO8) is to be launched in the 42nd ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) in Lao PDR, 2024.
Senior Officer (2020 - 2023)

Department of Sustainable Energy, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REE)
REE Department is the expert pool of Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) in ACE. To support ACE roles—think tank, catalyst, and knowledge hub—as well as improve sustainability, tasks include:
- Lead and support preparation of more than 10 project/program proposals annually in the field of RE and EE. These include the GCF project on energy efficiency in industry sector in Indonesia with KDB (USD 105,000,000)
- Implement project activities, ensuring high quality and timely deliverables. These include projects in collaboration with UNEP U4E, IEA, IRENA, GIZ, KEA, KEEI, and others.
Zulfikar Yurnaidi
Email: zyurnaidi@gmail.com Phone: +62-813-8485-3592
- Conduct research activities, to be published in form of academic articles, technical reports, or popular articles. At least 5 annually.
- Conduct dissemination and outreach activities to improve ACE visibility and build capacity, including speaking in various national, regional and international events.
- Collaborate in implementing the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC)
Senior Research Analyst (2019 - 2022)

Mr. Bikash Chandra Mallick
インド電力省中央電力庁(Central Energy Authority (CEA))第二局長
Principal Chief Engineer-II, Central Energy Authority (CEA),
Ministry of Power (MoP)

Implementation of R&M/ Life Extension program for efficiency & environmental improvement of coal based power Plants.
Design policy roadmap to reduce Minimum Technical Load of coal based power plants for low cost integration of renewable energy into grid. Initiated countrywide flexibilisation study/test, identified measures, prepared compensation methodology, framing regulation and notified phasing plan for nationwide implementation of 40% Minimum Technical Load. Published a comprehensive report “Flexibilisation of coal fired power plants- A Roadmap for achieving 40% technical minimum load” including operating procedures, actual field test reports, challenges of flexibilisation.
Implementation of pollution control devices at coal based power plants for compliance of new emission norms. Prepared “Plant location specific emission standard” report and “A review report on new SO2 norms” for smooth implementation of FGD at generating units in the country.
Conducting study/test at coal based power plants for efficiency improvement, flexible and low carbon supply of electricity under International cooperation with Japan, Germany and Denmark.

Ms. Nor A’in Md Salleh
マレーシアペトロナス(Petrolia Nasional Berhad/PETRONAS)
General Manager, Carbon Capture Storage,
Carbon Management Division,
Petrolia Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS),Malaysia

Nor A’in is currently the General Manager for PETRONAS Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) in Carbon Management Division(CMD). She graduated with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy New York, USA in 2001. In 2016, Nor A’in hasobtained Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from Project Management Institute.
Nor A’in started off her career in oil and gas since 2001 with ExxonMobil and in 2007 she pivoted to serve PETRONAS. Ever since, Nor A’in carried instrumental role in various offshore field development execution carrying the function as both regulator and project developer for offshore Malaysia hydrocarbon fields. Her experiences include Malaysia deep water projects Gumusut Kakap and Malikai and PETRONAS flagship project Kasawari. Her rich experience of 23 years in managing projects has been a valuable contribution to her subsequent assignment under Corporate in 2020. She has been tasked to undertake PETRONAS Portfolio Intervention and Transition with the other 6 team members in charting new portfolio for PETRONAS to ride the era of energy transition.
Currently, she is leading the construct of CCS Business for PETRONAS new venture by introducing different sets of thinking and perspective whilst observing compliance to technical commercial assurance and risk management. It is evident that her solution focus approach and her experience as Project Director of Kasawari Project, mega project with complexity of high contaminants, geopolitical and techno-commercial challenges has come intoplay to the CCS Business development that she is leading in PETRONAS.
She has been identified as one of the Thought Leaders in Sustainability upon her completion of Leadership Program on Sustainability in 2022; a joint program delivered by World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Yale University and IMD.
She is currently pursuing Transformational Leadership under Cambridge University - Strategic Thinking for the CXO in pursuit of strengthening the effectiveness of her leadership towards delivering her "Amanah" to PETRONAS.

Mr. Paul Baruya
世界石炭連盟(FutureCoal Global Alliance)
Director of Strategy and Sustainability,
FutureCoal Global Alliance

Paul Baruya is the Director of Strategy and Sustainability at FutureCoal.
Paul joined FutureCoal in 2022, where he supports advocacy for advanced coal technologies in a carbon neutral future and the strategic role of coal in developing economies.
He comes with a background in environmental consultancy at AEA Technology (now Ricardo), where he devised the New Entrant Reserve CO2 allocation for new power plants and industrial facilities and was involved in numerous projects involving end-user energy efficiency and CO2 reduction campaigns.
He also has experience in long-term forecasting and modelling of global coal and gas markets at IHS Global Insight (now IHS Markit), and energy use and emissions from power generation, steel, cement, and transport sectors.
Previous to FutureCoal, Paul was a senior analyst at the International Centre for Sustainable Carbon, a Technology Collaboration Programme of the IEA, studying the cost structures of mining, coal and gas competition in Asia, energy in Africa, and global biomass resources.

足立文緒/ Dr. ADACHI Fumio
Head, Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO),Tokyo, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Ms. Fumio Adachi
Head, UNIDO ITPO Tokyo
- April 2023 Head, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Investment and Technology Promotion Office, Tokyo (UNIDO ITPO Tokyo)
- April 2021 Director, Security Export Control Office, The University of Tokyo
- August 2015 Deputy Director, Division of University Corporate Relations, The University of Tokyo
- August 2011 Senior Knowledge Management Officer, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, Vienna)
- August 2009 Low Carbon Business Section, Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, U.K. Government
- June 2006 Director for Natural Resources and Energy, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- April 1991 Joined Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI, now METI)
- Ph.D. in Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (2023)
- Master of Public Administration, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (1997)
- Master of Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (1991)

笹津浩司/ Mr. SASATSU Hiroshi
電源開発㈱(J-POWER) 取締役副社長執行役員
Director and Executive Vice President, J-POWER

4/2023 Director and Executive vice president
6/2020 Director and Executive Managing Officer
4/2019 Executive Managing Officer
6/2018 Executive Officer
6/2016 Executive Officer
Department Director of Research & Development Dept.
6/2015 Department Director of Research & Development Dept.
6/2013 Superintendent of Isogo Thermal Power Station, Thermal Power Dept.
7/2010 Director of Wakamatsu Research Institute, Technology Development
4/1986 Joined Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.

閉会辞 / Closing Remarks

塚本修/ Mr. TSUKAMOTO Osamu
President, Japan Carbon Ftontier Organization (JCOAL)

Mr. Tsukamoto is a mining engineer who has been keenly developing his capacity and knowledge while serving METI Japan for 33 years where he embarked on his professional career after graduating from Kyushu University. He had been engaging in policy formulation on quite a wide range of subjects from energy, industry to environment, including serving in MMAJ (now JOGMEC)’s Canberra Office. In 2010, he added a new dimension to his career of teaching at the University of Tokyo, Keio University, and Tokyo University of Science and by serving as a high-level advisor for a Japanese electronics company. It is natural that the continued focus of his interest is start-up business support, regional development, and support of manufacturing industries, in addition to advocacy of roles of key fuels in energy transition and innovative formulation of optimal fuel mix.
He took the current office in 2015 and has been in the position to date. During his tenure, the world has seen tremendous innovation of technologies, and the energy sector is not an exception. He is convinced JCOAL can sustain and further develop its values through working out energy transition related studies and projects for future carbon neutrality with innovative technologies and collaborative frameworks.

開会辞 / Opening Remarks

渡部肇史/ Mr. WATANABE Toshifumi
Chairperson, Japan Carbon Frontier Organization (JCOAL)

June 2024 – present Chairperson, Japan Carbon Frontier Organization(“JCOAL”)
June 2023 - present Chairman, Member of the Board of Directors
April 2019 President and Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Board of Directors
June 2016 President, Member of the Board of Directors
June 2013 Executive Vice-President,Member of the Board of Directors
June 2010 Executive Managing Director and Deputy Headquarters Director of Nuclear Power
June 2009 Executive Managing Director, Member of the Board of Directors
June 2006 Executive Director, Member of the Board of Directors
April 2004 Director of Corporate Planning and Administration Dept.
April 2002 Director, Corporate Planning Dept. & Office Director, Privatization and IPO Office
July 2000 Director, Privatization and IPO Office, Corporate Planning Dept.
October 1993 Manager, Planning Section, Corporate Planning Dept.
October 1991 Manager, Nuclear Power Administration Office,Nuclear Power Dept.
April 1977 Joined J-Power (Electric Power Development Co., Ltd., Japan, or EPDC)

共催辞 / Welcome Remarks

髙原一郎/ Mr. TAKAHARA Ichiro
独立行政法人エネルギー・金属鉱物資源機構(JOGMEC) 理事長
Chairman and CEO,
Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)

- April 2023Chairman & CEO, JOGMEC (Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security)
- June 2020Vice Chairman, Member of the Board, Marubeni Corporation
- June 2019Senior Executive Vice President, Member of the Board, Marubeni Corporation
- June 2014Managing Executive Officer, Member of the Board, Marubeni Corporation
- October 2013Joined Marubeni Corporation as Corporate Advisor
- September 2011Commissioner, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (METI)
- July 2010Commissioner, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency (METI)
- July 2009Director-General, Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
- April 2004Director, Budget and Accounts Division, Minister's Secretariat (METI)
- April 1979Joined METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

特別講演 / Featured Speech

Ms. Michelle Manook
世界石炭連盟(FutureCoal Global Alliance) CEO
CEO, FutureCoal Global Alliance

Michelle Manook is Chief Executive of FutureCoal (formerly known as the World Coal Association). She has held the role since July 2019.
Previously, she held the position of Head of Strategy, Government, and Communications for Europe, Asia, and Africa at the multinational company, Orica.
Her career spans over 25 years in senior roles in the energy, oil and gas and mining industries in both developed and developing markets. She has also held non-executive director positions in energy and healthcare sectors and early in her career, worked in policy and public affairs for The Government of Western Australia.
Throughout 2022 and 2023, Michelle achieved significant recognition on the global stage. She was honoured as one of the 100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining (WIM100) and acknowledged by the Mining Journal for two consecutive years as one of the 50 most influential figures in the mining sector.
Additional if needed
• Born in Dhaka, Bangladesh, she is passionate about coal’s role in delivering sustainable economic development, and how this can transform the lives and livelihoods of our global communities. She is looking to foster international collaboration and promote real clean coal technologies and innovation solutions to the world’s challenges.
• She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Post Graduate qualification both gained at The University of Western Australia.

セッションI / Session I

堀井伸浩/ Dr. HORII Nobuhiro
Associate Professor, Department of Industrial and Business Systems, Kyushu University

April, 1994-March, 1996 Master, Graduate School of Law and Political Science, Keio University.
Employment Record:
April, 1996-March, 2007Research Fellow, Institute of Developing Economies-JETRO
Visiting Associate Professor, Tokyo University/Member of advisory body for Resources and Energy Agency, METI/Consultant, International Energy Agency (IEA)/Visiting Research Fellow, Asahi Asia Network (AAN), Asahi Press/Short Term Consultant of the World Bank/Expert on Energy Economics of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)/Visiting Research Fellow, Tsinghua University of P. R. China

講演-1(インド)/ speech-1(India)

Dr. Anandji Prasad
石炭省(MoC) 顧問
Project Advisor, Ministry of Coal (MoC)

Shri Anandji Prasad holds a Bachelor's degree in Mining Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur and a degree in Law. He also possesses Post Graduate Diploma in Management and Computer Applications.
Shri Prasad has been serving as Project Adviser in the Ministry of Coal for the past three years, overseeing the appraisal and monitoring of Coal Sector Mining and Infrastructure Projects. The responsibility involves formulation of policies, schemes, projects and interventions for coal sector including Exploration, Mining Plans, Coal Mines Safety, Coal Logistics, Clean Coal Technology, R&D Projects and managing diversification into Renewables, Coal Gasification and New Technologies in Coal Sector. He has involved in developing key policy documents for the Coal Sector, facilitating Commercial Coal Blocks Auctions, and securing cabinet approvals for several diversification projects.
Before this, he spent more than 30 years with the Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited (CMPDIL), South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) and Central Coalfields Limited (CCL), subsidiaries of Coal India Limited (CIL), in mine operations as well as consultancy for coal, mineral and energy sectors including mine planning and design. He has been associated with formulation of several policy and vision documents for coal and energy sectors.

講演-2(インドネシア)/ speech-2(Indonesia)

Dr. Julian Ambassadur Shiddiq, S.T., M.T.
Director, Mineral and Coal Program Development,
Directorate General of Mineral and Mineral Resources (MINERBA),
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR)

Job History

  1. Directorate Of Mineral and Coal Program Development, MEMR 2024 – Present
  2. Head of Mineral and Coal Testing Center, MEMR 2022 - 2024
  3. Head of General Division of Secretariat of The Human Resources Development Agency, MEMR 2021 - 2022
  4. Head of Planning and Finance Division of Secretariat of Secretariat of Regulatory Agency for Upstream Oil and Gas, MEMR 2019 - 2021
  5. Head of Program and Evaluation Division of Center for Human Resource Development in Electricity, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, MEMR 2018 - 2019
  6. Head of Program and Quality Management Division
    of Secretariat of The Human Resources Development Agency, MEMR 2016 - 2018
  7. Head of Human Resources Development Planning Subdivision of Center for civil servant human resource development, MEMR 2016
  8. Head of Evaluation and Reporting Subdivision of
    Secretariat of The Human Resources Development Agency, MEMR 2014 - 2016

講演-3(豪州)/ speech-3(Australia)

Mr. Matt Brown
産業・化学・資源省(DISR) 燃料資源局鉱物課石炭原子力担当マネージャー
Manager, Coal and Uranium, Mining Branch, Minerals and Resources Division, Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR)

Matt Brown is Manager (Coal and Uranium) of the Major Commodities team at the Department of Industry, Science and Resources, in the Australian Government. Matt’s team is responsible for policy advice to the Australian Government on mining and exports of coal and uranium. Matt and the Major Commodities team work closely with relevant State Governments and industry to further the department’s vision of

基調講演 / Keynote Speech

森裕之/ Mr. MORI Hiroyuki
独立行政法人エネルギー・金属鉱物資源機構(JOGMEC) 理事エネルギー事業本部長
Executive Vice President, Member of board, Energy Business,
Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)

Mr. Hiroyuki Mori joined JNOC, the predecessor organization of JOGMEC, and has
been actively engaged in providing financial support to Japanese companies involving
in the resource development industry for over 30 years. His expertise lies in corporate
and project valuation, as well as project risk management. Throughout his career, he
has been involved in numerous LNG and E&P projects undertaken by Japanese
companies and JOGMEC.
During his tenure, he had assignments with Japan Bank for International Cooperation
(JBIC) and Sakhalin Oil and Gas Development Company (SODECO, seconded to Exxon
Neftegaz Limited in Houston, Texas), gaining practical experience in finance and project
management. In pursuit of enhancing his risk management knowledge, he obtained the
qualification of a Certified Internal Auditor.
JOGMEC, with units in energy, metals, geothermal, etc., expanded its support areas in
the energy sector in 2022, shifting from LNG and E&P to new fields such as hydrogen,
its derivatives, and CCS. Mr. Mori currently serves as the Executive Vice President,
Member of the Board, overseeing its Energy Business Unit, actively promoting business
development in these new sectors in collaboration with Japanese policy authorities
and industry stakeholders.
Mr. Mori majored in sociology (media studies) at Keio University in Japan and earned
a Master's degree in Business Administration from Boston University in Massachusetts,
specializing in Finance and Entrepreneurship.

セッションII / Session II

松岡俊文/ Prof. Dr. MATSUOKA Toshifumi
指定国立大学法人京都大学名誉教授/ 深田地質研究所(FGI)顧問
Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University / Special Advisor,
The Fukada Geological Institute (FGI)

After graduating from university, Dr. Toshifumi Matsuoka worked as an engineer at an oil company and was involved in geophysical exploration works in oil and gas fields for about 20 years. He then moved to Kyoto University, where he has been engaged in research and technology development related to CCS for nearly 20 years. In particular, he has been working with colleagues at Kyoto University, RITE, and the Institute Technology Bandung in Indonesia on developing technology for the geological storage of carbon dioxide. After he retired from Kyoto University, he has been at Fukada Geological Institute. During this period, he has served as a member of expert committees for CCS projects in Japan.
Dr. Toshifumi Matsuoka holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degree in Physics from Tokyo University of Science and a Doctor of Engineering from The University of Tokyo.

講演-1(IO)/ speech-1(IO)

Mr. Jarad Daniels
グローバルCCSインスティテュート(Global CCS Institute (GCCSI)) 代表
CEO, Global CCS Institute (GCCSI)

Jarad joined the Institute as Chief Executive Officer in October 2021, bringing with him over 20 years of international collaboration and leadership on clean energy and sustainable development. He has broad expertise in energy and deep experience in Carbon Capture and Storage, having worked with many countries, multilateral organisations, NGOs, and companies on technology development and deployment and government policy.
Prior to joining the Institute, Jarad led the Office of Strategic Planning, Analysis, and Engagement within the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Carbon Management. Earlier responsibilities included managing research, development, and demonstration programs for advanced power systems and environmental stewardship. His professional experience includes life cycle analysis, process engineering and materials science.
Jarad holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Kansas State University and a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.

講演-2(米国)/ speech-2(U.S.A.)

Prof. Dr. Holly Krutka
Executive Director, School of Energy Resources,
University of Wyoming

Holly Krutka is the Executive Director of the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources – overseeing an interdisciplinary academic, outreach and research program focused on serving the Wyoming energy and extractive sector. She came to the university after serving as the Vice President for coal generation and emissions technologies at Peabody and previous to that was with Tri-State Generation and Transmission, Shenhua Group and ADA-Environmental Solutions. Dr. Krutka holds three patents focused on carbon capture, has served in leadership positions in the National Coal Council and the Carbon Utilization Research Council, has participated in the Carbon Capture Coalition, as a judge on the Carbon XPRIZE competition and the Carbon Removal XPRIZE competition, is a board member of the Western Research Institute, an ex-officio board member of the Wyoming Energy Authority and a committee member on the Idaho National Laboratory Energy and Environment Science & Technology Strategic Advisory Committee. Dr. Krutka holds a bachelor’s degree, graduating magna cum laude, and a Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma, both in chemical engineering in 2003 and 2007, respectively.

講演-3 (マレーシア)/ speech-3 (Malaysia)

Ms. Nor A’in Md Salleh
マレーシアペトロナス(Petrolia Nasional Berhad/PETRONAS)
General Manager, Carbon Capture Storage,
Carbon Management Division,
Petrolia Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS),Malaysia

StorageNor A’in is currently the General Manager for PETRONAS Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) in Carbon Management Division(CMD). She graduated with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy New York, USA in 2001. In 2016, Nor A’in hasobtained Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from Project Management Institute. Nor A’in started off her career in oil and gas since 2001 with ExxonMobil and in 2007 she pivoted to serve PETRONAS. Ever since, Nor A’in carried instrumental role in various offshore field development execution carrying the function as both regulator and project developer for offshore Malaysia hydrocarbon fields. Her experiences include Malaysia deep water projects Gumusut Kakap and Malikai and PETRONAS flagship project Kasawari. Her rich experience of 23 years in managing projects has been a valuable contribution to her subsequent assignment under Corporate in 2020 She has been tasked to undertake

講演-4 (日本)/ speech-4 (Japan)

秋元圭吾/ Dr. AKIMOTO Keigo
Group Leader/ Chief Researcher, Energy and Environmental System Analysis,
Policy Analysis for Global Warming Issues,
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth(RITE)

Keigo Akimoto was born in 1970. He received Ph.D. degree from Yokohama National University in 1999. He joined Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) to work with the Systems Analysis Group in 1999, was a senior researcher in 2003 and the Leader of the Systems Analysis Group and an associate chief researcher at RITE in 2007. Currently he is the Leader of the Group and a chief researcher at RITE. He was a guest researcher at IIASA in 2006, a guest professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo between FY2010 and 2014, and a Lead Author for the Fifth and Sixth Assessment Report of IPCC. He is a member for several advisory bodies on energy and environmental policy for Japanese government including Strategic policy committee, Advisory committee for natural resources and energy; and Global environment subcommittee, Industrial structure council; Climate change impact assessment subcommittee, Central environment council; Calculation Committee for Procurement Price for renewable energies. His scientific interests are in modeling and analysis of energy and environment systems. He received the Peccei Scholarship from IIASA in 1997.

閉会辞 / Closing Remarks

塚本修/ Mr. TSUKAMOTO Osamu
President, Japan Carbon Frontier Organization (JCOAL)

Mr. Tsukamoto is a mining engineer who has been keenly developing his capacity and knowledge while serving METI Japan for 33 years where he embarked on his professional career after graduating from Kyushu University. He had been engaging in policy formulation on quite a wide range of subjects from energy, industry to environment, including serving in MMAJ (now JOGMEC)’s Canberra Office. In 2010, he added a new dimension to his career of teaching at the University of Tokyo, Keio University, and Tokyo University of Science and by serving as a high-level advisor for a Japanese electronics company. It is natural that the continued focus of his interest is start-up business support, regional development, and support of manufacturing industries, in addition to advocacy of roles of key fuels in energy transition and innovative formulation of optimal fuel mix.
He took the current office in 2015 and has been in the position to date. During his tenure, the world has seen tremendous innovation of technologies, and the energy sector is not an exception. He is convinced JCOAL can sustain and further develop its values through working out energy transition related studies and projects for future carbon neutrality with innovative technologies and collaborative frameworks.